powdered sugar box

I just want to share a silly little story with you. It really happened and I know would happen more if I’d ask more. But with a grateful and rather humored heart, I wanted to share my story with you today. When I was about nine I had a little orange patent leather purse. It had eight dollars in it and back in the late sixties, that was a lot of money for a little fourth grader. I tore the house apart looking for that little purse.

praying little girllll

Finally I remembered Mrs. Anderson, my Sunday School Teacher telling us that all we had to do was talk to God when we needed something and He would listen. So I shut my eyes and Prayed believing full well that He’d answer: “Dear Jesus” I prayed… “Pleeeease help me find my purse.” And for some reason I just happened to look out the window as soon as I opened my eyes and there in our  car, in the garage ,was my little orange purse sitting right in the rear window of our car.

Okay, so I have lived a few decades since then and I have come to the realization that the answers are’nt always that forthcoming. Or at least the answers that we think we are or aren’t recognizing.  But I know God heard my prayer and He was right there when I ran out to retrieve my prized possession and knew my heart as I marveled at just how specifically HE answered my prayer. And on that day, that prayer changed my faith.

orange purse1

In the years that followed. I have prayed for things and it is not always like magic for me. But because of that little orange purse memory, I don’t doubt that HE hears my every word. And that if we ask for specific answers, He is not above giving them. Now, I dont mean to minimize the important prayers, and believe me, I have needed to pray for life and death answers before. But recently I have been pretty out of touch with my walk with God and I needed a reminder that HE is always there, even when I don’t always feel Him. On this particular morning… I’d decided to make cinnaomon rolls for work and my name to fame is the cream cheese icing that goes on top.  I buy powdered sugar by the bag and usually have a small stock pile of bags in my cupboard.

powdred sugar bags

This particular morning, I had to be there early and when the cinnamon rolls were finally in the oven. I usually make the icing while the rolls are baking. So I opened my cupboard only to find not even one half of a bag anywhere to be found.  I am not sure what the big deal was, and why I was so invested in making them that particular morning. But I pulled everything on every  shelf in my cupboard apart and there definitely was absolutely NO powdered sugar in it, anywhere. As I closed the doors I was about to give up and that little orange purse popped into my mind and I almost laughed at myself but I prayed: “Dear Lord pleeease give me just one box of powdered sugar.” Now I told you that I normally buy bags and I don’t remember buying a box. But I opened the cupboard doors one more time and there was one sitting right out in front.

praying woman's hands

Magic? No way. It was my reminder that God hears EVERY prayer, no matter how small.  In fact, I’ve always thought it was a lack of respect to ask for things like parking places or other things that aren’t life and death when HE has much better things to do. But I think God wants us to be in conversation with HIM much more than we are, or at least than I am.  And I know that  it was that same God who found the importance in answering my prayer almost  fifty years ago that took the time on that morning not too long ago,  to find a silly box of powdered sugar for me. I truly think I needed a reminder, that I need to talk to God more about even the little things. This was a refresher connection, personally with HIM to remind me what a specific God we love! Because after all, it really never was just about the powdered sugar.

powderd sugar sugar



40 thoughts on “It’s Not Just About the Powdered Sugar

  1. I love this… It reminds me of my daughter crying because she couldn’t find her phone after searching all over. I said told her, lt’s pray because God know where it is. Then as we prayed, it fell off of the sofa. It opened her eyes and brought her faith up to new levels. God bless you!

    1. God is so cool! I am sure HE loves times like these! I know it says that we should not test God. But I think that HE constantly is showing me HE is there in super natural ways like that. I feel HIM in a message that I know HE sent. I really feel that God is a God of detail and He likes it when we give HIM the glory for answered prayer like your daughter’s telephone. NOT coincidence from where I stand! 😉 Thank you for sharing!

      1. Amen!! No coincidences with God! I totally agree with you. It is a level of faith that we know beyond a shadow of a doubt that He is orchestrating it all and providing for all our needs. We serve an awesome God!!! God bless you, my sister!!

  2. Those little miracles keep life fresh and exciting, Diane. They also remind us there is a much greater Source we can go to that cares about us and the little things. That’s a comfort to me. I love your little story — man, that was a miracle! First you don’t see it — then, you do! Wow!

  3. My Raggedy-Ann doll was missing and I’d look everywhere. Finally I asked God to help me find it (my Mom sighing beside me – likely worried that it wouldn’t turn up and my little faith would be crushed). I found her the next day. I still have her (she’s completely bald) and I bought a new one a few years ago to admire and remind every day – God answers prayer…maybe not always in the timing or the way I want, but He answers with my best interest at heart!:-)

    1. AND the cool thing is that we remember those times so clearly. I bet you can even remember where you were when you prayed that prayer! God says a little child shall lead them because we need those God moments where we abandoned EVERY thought we have and believe freely with child like expectation that HE’S listening. Now when He answers a prayer so perfectly we are surprised. But when we were kids we just expected it. We need to believe like that again. Thanks Jen for sharing♡

    1. Happy Easter Bill May it be a reminder that our Jesus is the Author of miracles and I sm still praying for yours. Your new computer is a great example that HE’S listening♡

  4. I love the beauty in this post. Ask and we shall receive doesn’t always get the faith from everyone. God hears us and sometimes answers in mysterious ways, we have only to open our eyes and our hearts to receive. xo 🙂

  5. My thinking is like yours… that God wants to be in constant communion and conversation with us and all we need to do call out to Him… There has been a lot of ‘little’ answers over the years for me as well….Diane

  6. I’m smiling at this Diane. What a wonderful reminder! I know that in some cases it may seem silly, but God wants us to rely on him as much in the small things as the big things. A parking space or two won’t hurt! 😉

    Blessings to you dear friend!

  7. This was so perfect for me to read today. Sometimes we are so in sync.:) We are looking for a church right now…long story. Even though we are not going to church every Sunday, I talk to God all the time. I know He always hears me, and I love how your post demonstrated just that. ❤

    1. Becky
      I love that we are in sync! YOU are right church can be a daily thing just between God and us or find fellowship between one another. And Sometimes I feel I have my own little church right here with you guys!

  8. Prayer is POWERFUL. No matter your faith or religion, a prayer from the heart is heard. Your prayer wasn’t for some small matter, by the way – you were baking to give to others. That was the answer to someone’s prayer, when you arrived with those cinnamon rolls! 🙂

    1. Ellie,
      Thank you for reading and taking the time to share in my story! You are right. It is time for me to start giving HIM much more credit! I needed this story and to write it so everyone will know that OUR God is an awesome God!!!!

  9. Wow! Awesome post! I just love it when God does things like that! Thanks for sharing the story and for giving God the glory with it. Blessings, Natalie 🙂

    1. Natalie,
      Thank you for taking the time to read! I needed to stop and tell the powdered sugar story. I think that I may have told my orange purse story before. But it has been a while since I stopped to appreciate God’s miracles. He knew I needed an Orange Purse moment! Thanks for sharing it with me!

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