
Hi Folks!

I am back! I feel as if I have been away on a long trip! Some of you have come along with me and faithfully stuck it out beside me the whole way and I am forever grateful!

For the others reading this…

I am Sorry that I took a powder for a while. I have been working on a project for my book. Some of you may have gone to my page and searched for Dear Journal Entry #1    and then followed as I have written a draft on here. Kindly offering to edit and read as I write. I have gained a wealth of knowledge from you all as you have offered different suggestions and even told me that you have cried in places! Which I know is the highest form of a compliment! A friend and published author  approached me last year with an idea. She suggested that I take some of the journals that I found and recreate them in my book in place of some of the chapters that I’d already written. Soooo I created another blog:

If you are interested after reading “ABOUT”  It is important to know that I started this in November 2013 or to  go to :     to begin reading.

I am far from finished but… I’d love to hear your feedback!

There were times that I was signed on under Keri’s name and have wandered around your posts and comments and forgot where I was! I am not done and still have poetry to write on the other blog but for the most part I am back! And will try to get active here again! I have written here and there since I’ve been working on the other project and thank those of you who are still reading “here” but not as much as I would have liked. Anyway…. I Just wanted to explain!

It’s good to be back! I’m gonna go unpack now!



suitcase of memories

33 thoughts on “Keri’s Journal

    1. Yeah Heather I was worried that it would be a little confusing. I’m sure you were not the only one 😉
      I JUST needed to move the material that I was working on because if I wrote a poem for my project about something abusive I didn’t want my readers thinking it was happening today in my current life so creating another blog made sense.
      Thanks for the follow ♡

        1. I thought you were already a follower 😉 But when I created another blog I get confused who is where. But I am GLAD and thank you for your efforts and time here♡

  1. I know, I’m slow getting around again… Just wanted to stop by and check in with you since I always love your writings. I might just take you up on the idea and try to start back with the stories beginning when I a kid… Glad I got to read this one and am trying to keep up with Keri’s journal too… (just ignore me if my comments ever don’t make sense… my brain is complete mush these days… taking care of mom and trying to handle her legal business plus squeeze in a few minutes of married life with my hubby. 😀 Hope all is well ❤

    1. KELI
      So good to see you! I pray that you are BLESSED for all you do. Praying for your Mama-♡
      Thank you for stopping by. I feel honored that you choose to spend whatever time you have here. I treasure it when you come by♡

    1. ((((Patricia))))) Hugs! So good to hear from you! How is your little project coming? I am so excited for the pics! When are you due again? Praying for you! That everyting is perfect!
      Thanks for checking in!

  2. Welcome back. I know how it is. I am writing frantically every day. Just not on my blog. A writer is a writer is a writer, whatever form it takes. I look forward to anything from you!

      1. Thanks darling girl. Ditto! The difference is I am getting paid to write now which is pretty cool though I have also written 21 chapters of a book on motivation for fun. Funny how what we write from deep within helps us. It’s like we are two people.
        I will let you know my business website, FB and Pinterest accounts when things are looking more polished.

        1. Looking forward to hearing more about it! Yaaay for you! I am inspired through you! Someone I know is getting paid to write! I want to hear all about it! I used to have a column in our local magazine and it was amazing to receive a check for something I would have just done for free! Unfortunately not enough to support me but it was what I loved to do! I worked on my book all weekend so I am happy to report that I got a lot done! I just need to be inspired by ones like you actuallly doing it!

          1. Not enough to live on yet but getting there. It’s all thanks to reading Copyblogger and being fascinated by their articles for the last 2 years. I learned so much. They turned me into a customer and gave me courage which I never thought I’d have. Plus leaving my job made me get going! I have resisted job offers so I can go with this. I tell myself each day ‘my only job is to be happy!’.

              1. I need to remember my own advice half the time. I have a wise me and an emotional me that takes over (like today). Keep on keeping on and I think you should go look for someone else to do a column for in your spare time. xx

  3. Just love you Diane. I have not been able to keep up reading all of the posts by all of my special blogger friends, but try to when I can. I sense a special connection with you Diane and always care about reading your posts.
    Love and blessings,


    1. Reading Girl♡♡
      Your question made me smile. I loved it.
      No! Kerisjournal in that format is still continuing but NOW in the third person telling of the story. Have you searched for any of the CHAPTERS here? I actually have shared here what happened after that LAST journal entry. I’m typing this on my phone because my computer is acting up. But if you have the time, you can type in chapter and the number and wander around my old drafts of how I WAS setting up the story
      or I can go and find the exact one for you when my computer starts being normal again!
      I just want you to know that I appreciate your faithful following and time reading Keris journal! YOU are MY reading girl and I love ya!

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