The older I grow

the more I don’t know

the faster the days go by.

Yesterday’s passed

the minutes don’t last

it make me just stop and sigh.

The laughter and tears

the hopes and the fears

another candle blown out

Inside every minute

the memories in it

Well, In the end

THAT’S what it’s ALL about!

Diane Reed 14


66 thoughts on “Inside Every Minute

    1. Thank you so much for taking the time to re-blog! And not just from a recent post! But I love it when people take time to go backwards and read old archived posts! I found some of the best things in the attic of my blogging friends when I do that. I can’t believe I wasn’t following you! I love your blog! I’m following NOW!!!! 🙂

      1. You’re Very Welcome.. . 😉

        Thank You for the great compliment on my poetry blog,
        You’re an amazing writer/poetess yourself.

        Bill ♥

        1. You must have some magic dust over on your blog… my poem is hitting one of my highest LIKE records of any post yet — not that we care about stuff like that… lol..
          But you must have a huge following!
          Thank you! I am honored because your poetry is amazing!

    1. So thankful that for your time and that you took the time to read! Your comment blessed me. I love it when I KNOW that my readers GET what I was saying!

    1. D
      Thank you so much for taking the time to tell me that you relate to something that I have written! It is always that connection thing that blesses me!

    1. Bill,
      I KNOW Bill! Right? I have an idea for a new post that kind of connects to your comment!
      Hope all is well with you! You’re always in my prayers! Love your new facebook pic!

  1. Thought provoking post, thank you. The words by Rudyard Kipling ‘If you can fill the unforgiving minute, With sixty seconds’ worth of distance run’ sprang to mind as I read yours. We are always putting ourselves under pressure, yet it would be a kindness to allow ourselves just to be sometimes. I too remember how busy weekends were when our families were growing up, Now we have the luxury of time for moodling, pottering, time to be, time to let things settle within…it’s a thought isn’t it? We just need to give ourselves permission…permission to be. 🙂 x

    1. Jane,
      What a nice thought! Your comment made me feel as if I kind of could give myself permission to relax! Kind of as if you gave us all a massage with your words! 😉 Thank you!!!!

  2. Its so true! Each year as I grow older I notice how fast time passes by and how we don’t really appreciate the moment until the day or event has passed.

        1. Yes! If you read my About page there… it explains how my author friend Debbie Gies Kaye suggested that I take my book that I was sharing here on this blog (if you go to SEARCH here on this blog and type in Chaper One you can find the book I am working on… and see that the story of Jack which started in Chapter Two in story form is on Keri’s Journal in Journal form… ) If that makes any sense at all? LOL.

  3. Ever since I hit 30 time seems to fly faster than I ever remembered. I have been asking around if anyone else notices. A week? Ah! What’s a week anymore? And the longed for weekend? It’s like a go to bed on Friday and wake up on Monday! One of my colleagues recently remarked that perhaps the earth is spinning faster than it used to do. I just laughed.
    Great post, Coastalmom. I relate to it.

    1. Peter,
      So funny that you would say that. Somebody just asked what the date was and I told them before they knew it, it would be December again. For me it’s Monday and I blink and it’s Friday and then it’s Friday and I blink and it’s Monday. It’s scary. My mom is eighty! WHEN did THAT happen?!!!!

  4. Hi Diane — stopped by to catch up on what you’ve been doing. Looks like we’ve been on the same wavelength lately feeling melancholy and reflecting. I was doing some remembering too this past weekend when I wrote a story about my husband’s poem.

    I don’t know what it is as time passes — why we try to hold on so tight to the past, instead of living in the moment. Maybe, it’s because we have selective memory and choose only to remember what we want that bring us good feelings. We don’t have a choice to do that when life is happening in the moment. I’m getting better at letting go more of the past and loving every moment in the now.

    Happy Monday, my friend. It’s great to see your happy face again. 🙂

    1. Oooh (((((Pat)))))
      Sooo GLAD to see ya! Happy Mother’s Day to you tooo. I have been so busy with my other blog that I have let this place kind of out to dry. But it was nice to come back and find so many old faces! Sorry to hear you are feeling melancholy! YOU my friend should only have joy in your life! But I get it… IF ONLY! 😉 But wouldn’t it be nice?

      1. So good to hear back from you, Diane, and boy it sounds like you’ve been doing lots, my friend. It’s been awhile and I’m happy for you. I must have missed out on a lot cause I didn’t know about your new site, kerisjournal. I briefly checked it out but not sure if it’s a site just for your book or not. It’s cool that you’re keeping the creative juices flowing on these new projects.

        No problem with the melancholy — actually It’s not an issue but rather a peaceful tuning in where I can stay grounded. Going back and remembering helps me appreciate the present and love where I’m at. Take care, hope to keep in touch and talk with you again soon.

  5. A friend of mine used to say “what if the hokey poke REALLY is what it’s all about”, in a sense it is.Time is an interesting aspect of consciousness. I once met Raymond Moody, who studied NDE’s (near death experiences) and what he found is that people who had these happen to them, had great difficultly in relating them to him in words, because time was not valid there, everything seemed to happen at once yet it was not. While reading Greg Braden’s book Fractal Time I wrote this – Time is the relative motion in consciousness compared to the relative motion of the background of experience. It simply is, we can measure it, carve it up, curve it, straighten it out, step into it and step out, and yet, like consciousness can we ever truly define it except to say it is beauty !
    Blessings for you this Sunday, and the days and weeks to come …

    1. I think as my birthday approaches each year I reflect a little bit more. Last year a baby was born! So great. I was born on my grandma’s birthday and my new grandbaby was born on mine. NOW I have something to look forward to other than another year older. But I am not complaining 😉
      Have you seen Heaven IS for real yet?

  6. Beautifully said Di, about how fast time passes, especially when we get wrapped in mundane, day to day things, We cannot forget to step back and breathe. 🙂 xo

    1. Hey Deb,
      Trying to get over to start “writing” but had to make a token appearance here. Thanks for reading!!! I need to step back and remember to take it all in and make the moments last longer!!!!

        1. Yes! I just read your cute poem and you wrote just enough Papa Bear! GET IT?? I’m Goldilocks and you are Papa Bear! LOL… Okay I knoooow pretty corney!
          Good night! Sweet Dreams!

  7. I share your thought that “I feel like I’m running out of time.” I think about all of the time that I have wasted, when I could have been deeper in studying God’s Holy Word. There are some bloggers who seem to appreciate my own writings; they appear to be “miles ahead of me” when I consider their personal drive, when they were in their twenties, as opposed to when I was in my twenties. May I say, “God thank you for our young people who desire an intimate relationship with you.” I also say, “God, please send them my way, and help me to share the things with them, that have been so freely shared with me by my senior saints.”

    For you, Coastal Mom you are a very special saint. I thank God for you. You are truly a blessing.

    1. Wow, you blessed me. Your words were healing waters as I read them. I truly feel as if I never measure up, as if I know the real me and shudder to know that so does our Heavenly Father. My biggest joy would be to some day have HIM say Well done good and faithful servant but I feel I am running out of time. And yet I know that HIS eyes judge differently than ours and THAT is such a relief! But that being said, I can’t help but want to be more for HIM.
      Your words brought tears to my eyes. Thank you. Soooo much! I was not fishing! I think because I was not, they meant more!

      1. Thank you. I know that you were not fishing. You are genuine. I thank God for you. And, yes, God will say to you, “Mattnew 25:21.” I know that you can truthfully say to me, and to all who know you, and to our Lord and Savior, Jesus, “2 Timothy 4:7.” As for tears, we must somehow be related. That is part of my makeup. Hubert Humphrey once said, (and I head him say it), “show me a man with no tears, and I will show you a man with no heart.” Blessings to you, my special sister in Christ.

  8. Diane, I thought your intro made a lot of sense. (It’s still in the email.) As the years flow by, we tend to reflect, but I think it’s easy for us to either forget or not recognize the difference we’ve made in the lives of others. I often wonder if I’ll be remembered fondly, if I’ve made a difference, or if my mistakes will outweigh my love. On the other hand, I know none of this makes a difference to The One that really matters. And time passing here only gets us closer to time with Him then.

    Bless you. Have a peaceful week.

    1. Susan,
      Thank you. I deleted it because it needed a lot of editing and I thought the poem was enough but I think you are right everyone must still be able to read it. LOL. Oh well. You are right. In the end, the end is getting us closer to HIM. That is comforting! Thank you for taking the time to comment! You always make things make sense! 😉

  9. I’m sure I’m one of many who have been supremely blessed by our special interactions. Time certainly does fly, but with your authenticity and faith in God, rest assured that the impressions you’re making are lasting ones!

    Bless you friend!! xoxo

    1. Patricia,
      You are my soft place to fall! Always full of loving kindness! Just know that you are too!!! Very lasting! And congratulations! Two daughters! Girls are amazing!!
      I am partial! 😉
      Love you my friend!

    1. Thank you bowlingchef! I loved your blog today!
      Especially this: ” Don’t look at it as an ending, only see it as a fresh start to a new chapter”
      Everyone should go read it!

  10. “Well done…” 🙂 Great post, and I know what you mean. I keep thinking I am trying to do my best, and then the days pass by so quickly and I just know I have not done everything I SHOULD do. “Please God forgive me.”
    Great poem as well Diane.

      1. I agree with your friend T, you accomplish a lot and consider you are a wife and mother. I have no such excuses for not getting things done 😦 Blessings to you Diane.

  11. Oh I think you do more then you think dear one! Never doubt that. Love your honesty.. it is refreshing. I am sorry to say the weekend crawls by for this old lady! I guess due to the fact I am working.. So Mondays are my favorite days… I hope your work week fly’s by and your weekend is slow and relaxing! You are nothing but pure joy and blessing!

    1. Hey T….
      I am sitting here at my desk watching a girl ride by on her horse with her dog and know I could be doing more! At least going out and taking a walk!
      I remember how busy my weekends were. And when I go out of town every hour is packed full. But I love my weekends. My husband is out of town and I love being able to write in the middle of the night if I want to. But next week is my birthday and I wonder what have I really done to make a difference. I just reread the intro to this poem and it didn’t make any sense and was poorly written so I just deleted. Too bad we can’t do that with all our mistakes. LOL.
      Thanks T for reading. Gotta love ya friend!

      1. This maybe an oldie but it still honest and true. You have come such a long way and I am very proud of you. You stuck with it and are doing what you love. Your a blessing to all and I adore you! Just do!

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