Oh Lord make me like the Prodigal Father,

steadfast, forgiving and strong ~

So that even when I have been wounded,

and I feel that I’ve been wronged,

Lord, You will help me to look the other way,

and celebrate the Love within,

that each time someone  says “forgive me”

that’s where I can begin.

Help me not to be like the older brother

Who resents his father’s grace

But Oh Dear Lord let me learn the lesson here,

in the mercy of your embrace.


Diane Reed

10 thoughts on “The Prodigal Father

  1. I’m not a big fan of rhyming poetry, but there’s something about this one I just love. Very beautiful and peaceful with excellent flow. Thanks for sharing it. 🙂

    1. It means even more that you stop your day and take the time to read thanks for liking it! I’m working on forgiveness right now in my life so hopefully maybe thats it. XO

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