sunrise golden clouds

The sun splashed across the morning sky

as I woke up early and opened my eyes.

I jumped out of bed and slowly yawned

as I looked out the window to greet the dawn.

window opening

Nothing had changed in the night before;

I had the same problems I couldn’t ignore.


But something inside of me couldn’t give up,

it nudged me and pushed me till I finally got up!

alarm clock 2

Yesterday I decided to just stay in bed,

as angry voices screamed in my head.

holding hands over ears

it was easier to just give in to their  call,

but then…yesterday, nothing got done at all!

sleeping in

So I decided today to not let them win!

I’d take control and give it to HIM!

Jesus in the garden

It’s all in the choices  we ultimately make.

To walk through the garden, or stay stuck at it’s gate!


Diane Reed


It is God who arms me with strength, And makes my way perfect.   

 Psalm 18:32

37 thoughts on “Through The Gate

  1. I love that you succumbed to the world to get up and go… it was probably that little push you felt in the small of your back, that we all often get when He gently pushes us forward, a kind of push start from God…

    1. Bulldog!
      I love it!! You are right I do feel God in the small of my back a lot! Perfect Metaphor! You totally GOT IT!
      Thank you for reading and commenting! I have been working all week and just now am sitting down for my writing time!
      God Bless!

  2. Wonderfully inspiring post… IAM so glad you chose to enjoy the day… come what may… and just in the little things, the beautiful flower, the bird singing can make us smile and just for a moment connect us with everything that we truly are…. Barbara

    1. Barbara,
      Thank you for reading and commenting and reminding me to re-read my own words! LOL. Just got done writing out the bills and then came on to read your sweet words as a reminder to sieze the day! Thank you!

  3. This is great, Diane! I especially like this line – “I’d take control and give it to HIM!”
    From the unbelievers point-of-view, that’s an oxymoron (take/give), but for the follower of Christ, that is called faith.

  4. Free will is such a wonderful thing. And yet, it can be so be tricky. Even debilitating at times if we don’t make the right decisions. Thanks for reminding us that the small choices ultimately lead up to the ones that REALLY count!

      1. So back at ya! Oh and don’t think I don’t read all your posts! I noticed that you put your same posts on wattpad now, so if you don’t see a comment there, it’s because I may have already seen it here on wordpress already, I tend to be on this site a lot, lol.

        1. Yeah I do. For some reason I feel kind of naked on wattpad. Not sure why. Sharing my work here feels safer. There seems to be a lot more kids on there. It doesn’t seem as thoughtful. Not sure I want to write originals for my page there yet. Do you even understand what I mean? Lol.

          1. 100 % yes, there are lots of kids, I have scoured around reading some stuff, in serious need of an editor. But a lot of them write there for critique as well. I think the goal is to hope the right eyes will fall on the work eventually. Certainly a different crowd than wordpress, I don’t devote as much time there as here, if someone has a comment or questions it comes to your email as well so you can always check. But you have managed to get yourself some followers there, good for you, I don’t devote enough time there and have no time to socialize there right now, perhaps in a few months and when I get more time to write for there. Right now I am working on getting ready to publish, writing my 2nd book and posting here on blog, that’s enough right now.

  5. Beautiful poem but I hope it isn’t true as such. I would hate to see you depressed. I would come to your bedside to seriously distract you and get you out of bed. First we would go out for a mystery tour and then I would interrogate you on YOU. The good stuff, not the bad stuff. Your dreams, hopes and joys. I know they are in there somewhere. Next we would take up tap dancing or kirigami or something else impossible together, and spend hours comparing Pinterest or discussing TED talks. You wouldn’t get a chance to hear the negativity in your head. You might hate me for ‘bullying’ you this way but I might get a laugh or two out of you 🙂

    1. Emma,
      I just watched the whole thing! That was so interesting. Did I ever tell you that I used to work in a Psych Ward in my twenties? It was back in the Throazine and Lithium days and I saw several Psychotic breaks when I worked there. I was always fascinated how some made it back with such a triumph and others didn’t. I have fought the diagnosis of depression since a few years ago when I had a little glitch in my life. I guess I feel that some parts of depression are organic and others are just simply cuz crap happens to them and who wouldn’t be? Mine I think falls in the last category. The thing is… I can be the life of the party if I have to. I can go to work and be charming… But I am in a place now where a lot of people dissappoint me and I’d rather enjoy my own company than hang out with people who let me down. Literally.
      Though I know that I need to work on distinguishing between really being okay with my own company and making the effort to be a part of the world!

    1. Thanks Paul… I guess my recipe always has a few dark clouds in them but as long as I find the LIGHT through the haze… I can find a way to inspire!
      Thanks for reading! 😉

    1. Lousie,
      Always honored that you take the time to read my posts! Always love yours as well. Seem to always connect with what you have to say! My post today is a reminder for me… how I miss the beauty by being stuck … or worse yet… not even stepping outside to get to the gate.

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