40 thoughts on “Split Personality

  1. This is beautifully written and balanced. Writing in such a set pattern is not easy at all. But more importantly, you do not allow the form to take over and force the poem into awkwardness…in fact, what you do is force the poetic form to your word’s advantage. That is rare and hard. Well done! Thank you!

    1. Wow. I am blown away and humbled by this wonderful critique from such a talented author with such a good heart! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your time!
      You will never know what perfect timing this was. I am inspired!

      1. Well, I am glad the timing was good, but gladder yet that I got to read the poem in the first place. As you can tell I have no skill at set pieces, but greatly admire those who do. I very much look forward to your work in the future. One thing…I couldn’t figure out how to get on your email list on your site. Can you upgrade me?

  2. You sound so familiar! 🙂 That angry person is me, me, me. Oh dear. I am learning, through my husband, that dreams are from God….maybe He told you about being robbed of joy?

  3. Hi Diane I just read this post, ugh you should read my post the puzzle, I know you’ll relate. But don’t worry about the ending that’s not for you.

    I think you need to REST your hope fully on the Grace that will come to you at the revelation of Christ, I mean Christ in you the hope of Glory.

    We seem to have had similar roads in life. I believe that we need to get to the beginning of us and find the whole picture – then rest knowing that God is still for us and when we can get to that rest we can rest and have peace with ourselves…… sounds like a lot but it’s probably more simplistic than we can imagine right now.

    Y/T Hubert

    1. I just got back from reading. It was wonderful! Thank you for sharing! I wrote a poem called Missing Pieces 08/30/12 that reminds me of your post. Also loved the song!

  4. Great post as always. There are certain events that continue to haunt our subconscious mind, whether they be ingrained in our thought process, or appearing so realistic in our dreams. This phenomenon, which is so distant from realism, will try to rob each one of us, from clinging to the temporary happiness we have been afforded, and/or that everlasting joy, Thank God you do possess the fortitude He has given you, which in turn allows you to see beyond the fringe, and thus empower your self in such a way, so as to be an over comer. Remember this, Happiness lasts but a moment, but the joy of the Lord, will never leave you. Blessings.

  5. Thanks for sharing. Actually, symbols in our dreams, while usually representing a part or parts of ourselves, can also represent another person in our lives. We may be having issues with our boss, spouse, mother, child. A dream can help with solutions or insights.

    1. That is what I’ve always thought! I Have always been frustrated trying to relate EVERYTHING to me when I knew very well that I was dreaming about that person. Thank you! 🙂

  6. Not everyone buys into the idea that everything in a dream is purely the dreamer, but I most certainly do. Even while awake when an event or person from the past haunts you and suddenly you are feeling something, it is because you have internalized something from the experience. The event or person are not there but you still carry it along inside. I’m plagued by this sort of thing myself although I don’t think I put myself forward that way. A fair question to us both, then, is when are we going to stop putting ourselves through that, or how do we get over it? Trusting that I’ll do the right thing the best I can helps me focus on what is currently before me. Thankfully I’ve become more trustworthy than I have been in the past so it gets easier.

    1. Great points! Thanks for your in-put! It is a constant awareness!~
      I don’t know how many times that I have cut and pasted your gravatar post onto linkless gravatars but I am on a mission! 😉

  7. Your mother-in-law is right, Diane, everything in the dream relates back to you, and what you say here confirms it. The purse is where you keep your power and the person in the car was rifling through it. The person is you, robbing yourself of your power. All your power is going to the past and the things that happened. The choices you didn’t make because you were not able to because of who you were then. You’re being called upon to let go.

  8. Hi Diane – I checked in a little dream book I got written by fellow bloggers and it outlines dreams by symbols with a little explanation on them. The symbols in your dream is money/wallet and vehicle/car.

    Because it talks about money as a resource to get what you want and need and vehicle to get you where you want to go, maybe you’re just frustrated and feel robbed that your resources are not getting you where you want to go.

    (The book is: “D.R.E.A.M. Catchers” by Cheryl Therrien and Susan Cooper – http://findingourwaynow.com/2013/01/dream-catchers-now-in-print-book.html#.UiPjC4znYlY)

    1. Yeah funny you just made me realize that I had a financial thing happen this week. When I went on line to get my bank statment a bogus $200 charge was on there. I got the charge taken off but have the inconvenience of waiting 7 to 10 days for a replacment debit card. I felt very violated. It makes me so mad-
      Its no different than catching a crook crawling out of my window with my TV.
      Thanks for the book link and good info!

      1. Isn’t that funny how we forget things like that in our mind but don’t realize how it’s affecting us on the inside. Sounds like it triggered something for you.

        1. Pat,
          Yeah and I was almost swayed to the side of it being about me! Well, I guess it was. And love your symbols you pointed out. What has my theme for the last couple of years been? STUCKness!
          Thanks for triggering it!

    1. Well, God is where I seem to keep wanting to go for the solution. Sooo the message here should be to not keep fighting it and and then trying to do it my own way which makes me lose grasp of what it’s ALL about… I know He is quite capable of staying inside! 😉

      1. Yes, my friend; I pay attention! I’m so glad to see you aren’t having any trouble getting to my page! Yay, and seriously, you Gotta put together a book of your collections from your blog, I truly believe that is where your gift is right now in real life non fiction stuff, it is so beautiful, really Di! xo

  9. Every time you write, Di, I feel like you’re saying exactly what’s in my heart, soul and mind. This post and poem are absolute perfection. May we both grab onto God and never let go. My mind is such a mess, but God is good and He will make good of everything, that’s His promise. That’s what I’m holding onto today.Romans 8:28

    1. And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. Thanks I needed that today! I love it when we connect with someone like I’ve connected with you! It’s like a glimpse of what heaven will be like…. Finally just getting each other! But in the mean time… knowing God is there to help us till we get there is a great comfort in the crazy world with lil ole messed up me in it!
      Thanks for reading!

    1. Love you too babe! Now was that so hard? Knowing my love language gets you kudos!

      LOL… but you’ll never know you are owed kudos cuz you won’t come back here… but will “dutifully” read the next one…
      🙂 Too funny. And ya could have had kudos!

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