
For those of you who have given me awards please don’t be offended if I have not gone through the process of accepting. Lets face it… those AWARDS are special honors but pretty time consuming and once you really honker down to accept one it is a few hour process! I know that this is just one of many and I really wanted to list them all here and “accept” them with one swoop but I don’t have a lot of time so am recognizing this one for now. If you have never followed through with the process of accepting one of these… it takes a little time.

I have been working a lot and other things have gotten in my way but that doesn’t mean that I am not terribly honored for being mentioned. I am. Tonight, I wanted to take the time to honor this one : The Sunshine Award! I am technically challenged to say the least so I am not sure how to post it on my page and that has been why I have probably not attempted to honor more but I will do my best here… cuz I’ve grown to love my little friend who has gifted me with this one! given to be by Patricia my wonderful new friend that has touched my life in a powerful way.

She loves the Lord with a consistency that inspires and challenges me. Her knowledge of scriptures is (at loss for a better word) again, inspriring! Even though we are decades a part, there was something so powerful about our connection. I feel that it was a God ordained, Divine appointment and that our friendship will last into eternity. Some people we are just meant to meet and I have no doubt that Patricia was one of the ones God put in my path.

I’ve linked back to her blog (click on the purple highlight above),  you should go and check out her blog. It is packed full of INSPIRATION and honest down to earth writing that will warm your soul!

Here are 7 fun facts about me:

1.  I knew that I wanted to be a writer since I could read and basically plagerized my version of C.S. Lewis’s The Lion The Witch And The Wardrobe   when it was read to our class when I was in the  second grade. I wrote my own version and changed the names! LOL. NOW I think up my own material! 😉

2.  I know that God answers prayer from experience.

3.  My husband and I attended the same grade school though we never met until over twenty years later.

4.  I have a greeting card line that I’ve written and illustrated. You can see them here:

5.  I recently stopped doing art shows, I am a retired artist and am writing a book. (Aren’t we all?)

6.  I was born on my grandma’s birthday and my precious new granddaughter was born on mine exactly one month ago today!

7.  My daughter also writes and has a blog right here on wordpress! And is an artist and also has an etsy account! She has followed in her mama’s footsteps and even done a few art shows. (You know you’ve done something right when they do what you did) 😉   But she has far surpassed me. She is a GRAND actress and wonderful singer. Two talents I would love to have but don’t have a stitch of! Ya don’t wanna hear me sing!!! 😉

Here are my nominees…. I need 100 more spaces here because there are so many more that I could list who inspire me with their sunshine each day but here is my list. NOW I know why I don’t do these awards a lot cuzzz they are pretty time consuming but so worth following through from time to time because it makes you take time to appreciate those who follow you and consistently bring joy to my life. I want to thank you all. Please don’t feel obliged to have to do this AWARD… I only did this one because I felt it was about time to honor

Okay I hate to do this to you guys but tag … your IT! 😀

Please check out my bright and sunny nominees.  Their constant encouragement and/or beautiful images inspire me!

1.Paul at:

2. Yaz at:

3. Keli at:

4. Emma at:

5. Pat at:

6. Becky at

7. Sherry at:

8.  Bill at Unshakable Hope

9. Louise at:

10. Carolyn at:

11. Anka at:

12. Ralph at:

A message from Shaun, the creator of this award:

This is an award for everyone who is part of the “Word Press Family” I started this award on the basis that the WordPress family has taken me in, and showed me love and a caring side only WordPress can. The way people take a second to be nice, to answer a question and not make things a competition amazes me here. I know I have been given many awards, but I wanted to leave my own legacy on here by creating my own award, as many have done before. This represents “Family” we never meet, but are there for us as family. It is my honour to start this award. Thank you, Shaun @


1. Display the award logo on your blog.

2. Link back to the person who nominated you.

3. Nominate 10 others you see as having an impact on your WordPress experience and family.

4. Let your 10 Family members know you have awarded them.

5. That is it. Just please pick 10 people that have taken you as a friend, and spread the love.



45 thoughts on “Sunshine Award

  1. Hi Diane, Got your GORGEOUS cards and book. You are super talented and my friends are loving your cards! They are just too wonderful for words….so are you! That’s such a special book – it’s how I raised my kids too…and I gave it to my daughter (who cried because she was so moved!) You are a really fantastic artist and I’m so glad I ordered some cards! I’ll definitely be back for more! Thank you so much for your generosity – thank you so much for sharing your gifts with the world! Sending so much love! ~ Dyan

    1. Dyan! (By the way…. I LOVE the way you spell your name!!)
      I don’t think that I have ever gotten such a sweet feedback note! Of course because you are such a good writer… lol… but truly… your words touched my heart over the moon and back! *wink* On our Etsy site… there is a place for customers to go back and review the artists and in all of those and any other thank yous… YOURS is the BEST! I always say tears are the best compliment! Thank you Dyan! You made my day!
      Sending love right back to ya!

      1. You are so welcome! I left “reviews” on the etsy site for you – was happy to do that – Please feel free to use my reviews wherever you would like. I hope you share your etsy link more often – those really are sweet cards – not like anybody elses! I do LOVE unique gifts! My email is if I can help out in any way, just let me know. I’d like to put your etsy link on my blog site – let me know if that’s cool! Thank you again – it’s great connecting more.

      1. You’re truly welcome Diane and thank you for the inspirational stories and spreading around a little sunshine. 🙂

  2. Congratulations Diane on the Sunshine Award and the acceptance of it. Your stories shine a little bit of sunshine when you write. Even when you’re struggling the sunshine works its way through in giving you faith and keeping you on the path.

    (PS – thank you for the nomination. I’m truly honored to be included among those who inspire you!) 🙂

    1. You are very welcome Pat. I don’t expect you to go through the process unless you get bored on some rainey Sunday but wanted you to know you have touched my life and your supportive reading is an inspiration!

      1. I’m happy and honored to complete this process, Diane. It’ll be fun and I’m truly thankful for the opportunity. It means a lot to me that I can give you a lift to your day now and then in a tale or two.

  3. Oh Diane!!! My dear, darling, dynamic, and delightful friend, thank you SO much for taking the time to go thru the steps of accepting this award. As you saw in my post, I completely understand the lengthy process, and again, you ARE APPRECIATED!! Reading the kind things you said about me have me blushing, but you know that I feel the same way about you! From the bottom of my heart, I know this is a beautiful and blessed friendship, and you keep on spreading your sunshine to all who are wise enough to read your words! 🙂

    Oh and I love the fun facts you shared too. That’s funny about you and your hubby going to the same school, and the greeting card line?! LOVE!

    God bless you always my friend!!


    1. Ahhh Patricia! I had to follow through…. It is good for me to see God’s blessing. It made me really see HIS grace in my life… gifting me with friends like YOU and the ones I listed here! And soo many more that bless the socks off of me daily!
      Right back at ya my sweet friend!

  4. Amen, Diane! I love your message about spreading the LOVE. Everyone could use a little hope and encouragement from time to time. And, let’s face it, you are so adept at exhorting others.
    Thanks again for the gracious nod to my blog! Hope you are having a great week lovely lady! 🙂

    1. Anka…. You are so sweet. And one that easily came to mind as one of my top five favs! Alway so gracious and one of the blogs I easily read without waiting! Love it and you too!

  5. Oh my goodness! I’m very honored you thought of me and will try my best to answer the questions here in a while. In all honesty, I probably won’t put it on my blog cuz I just did 3 or 4 the other day. Besides…. I’m boring. LOL I was excited to learn about your etsy page though and added it to my favorites…. Thank you, thank you 😀

    1. Keli… How could I not have you on the list? My constant blogging buddy…. You are the kind of friend that I have in life where we can not talk for a while and start right back where we left off. I think the word is C-O-M-F-O-R-T-A-B-L_E!!!!

  6. Congratulations to you; this is such a sweet award.
    And so sweet of you, Diane; to think of me. Thank you so much, I’m delighted that you have included me. 🙂
    I followed through to your ‘Greeting Card Line’ page; what a wonderful artist you are. And what a very interesting childhood..!
    How clever of you to have 3 females celebrating the same birth date. Must be some sort of record…! 😉

    1. Carolyn…. of course I included you. I have learned so much through your blog and you inspire me everytime I read it! I appreciate your support on mind and all the time you grace me with! I know time is valuable an love that we are friends!

    1. Yet another one.. I KNOW should have been on my list below!!! Just know I love you in my heart and you have a sunshine AWARD everyday in my book!

  7. Congratulations on your very well deserved award, Diane! I think we can all agree on the time it takes to accept any awards, you are so gracious in doing so! 😉

    1. Everytime one of my favs post me I think… Ahhh I needed to add her or him too!!! But just know in my heart you’ve all got the friendship award! 😉

  8. I ordered some cards and a little book from you this morning! They are just too wonderful and I can’t wait to give them to friends! Beautiful work! I LOVE your illustrations. Sending some big, creative love your way!

    1. I thought that was you!!! Thank you ! You are so sweet! I am getting it ready for shippment right now! I have included a few extra gifts in your package! My Over the moon card is being printed but I will send you the package now and send you the Over The Moon Card as soon as I can! If that is okay?

  9. Thank you so much for the award my dear friend. I shall accept it in the spirit that you intended but not practically. My love and hugs to you Diane. Ralph xox 😀

  10. I am so with you on the AWARD thing. They can become all-consuming if you accept them all. Like you, I sincerely appreciate the fact others think my blog/writing is worthy of an award, but when I tried to keep up with accepting them, I found I was spending way too much time on them.
    I checked out , and enjoyed her article, Thin Before You Speak, Part 3.

  11. Ahhhh…where were you on my list?! You should have been one of the top ones! I told you I wasn’t good at this! Just know in my heart you deserve my favorite Grandfather award 🙂
    I did self publish one but didn’t reslly kno

    1. Ahhhh Ann thank you!!! Yet another one of my favs that I didn’t mention! 😦
      This is exactly why I don’t like to do these AWARDS cuzz I realize there are so many more special friends out there and I am so blessed to have you all! 🙂

  12. OK … after a quick look at you card line – tell me why you don’t write children’s books? I am actually a grandfather and I know my Lorelei would love your drawings and stories …

    1. Ahhh! I knew that all of my favorites were going to come on and I’d realized that as I said, I needed 100+ more spaces to give out all of you who I’ve grown to love another AWARD all of my own!
      Thank you! You are my favorite Grandfather here!
      Thank you for your support for my cards! I did self publish a children’s book about 20 years ago… hmmm maybeeeee 🙂

      1. I think I have a Sunshine Award, and should pass them around more. Thanks for your kindness. Sending you thoughts of free time to devote to your passion. Enjoy your beginning of June !

        1. You deserve the BIGGEST sunshine AWARD! But I know first hand it is not as easy as it looks to pass them around… If we really did all the awards that is all we’d be doing! It’s kinda like homework but so worth doing when you stop to think about all those like you who touch my life and take time to read my words! And even go to sites and look me up!
          I appreciate you and everyone I have gotten to know here!

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