quote about looking for the answer in your questions

When I was younger I remember asking: “What is a soul mate?” Back then, I had it all twisted. I used to be able to tell you more of what it wasn’t than what it was… but slowly in the last couple of years I think that I have learned a little more and for me, it is not someone who comes bursting onto the homefront and whisks you off on some wild carpet ride that is sure to eventually lose the wind beneath the seat that carries you…  A soul mate is someone whose soul doesn’t knock into yours but bumps lightly and sticks.


It is buying a bike for our granddaughter.

Sophie 2

AND a helmet!

Buying a sensible car when he really wants a TRUCK! It is driving for four hours to see a one hour children’s play that our daughter is in. It is going to all the counseling sessions at school when our niece needed her Uncle Jim. It is charging our son’s tires and brakes when we couldn’t afford it to make sure that he and our grandkids were safe. And for always stepping up. It is taking my car and putting gas in it and getting it washed and serviced. It is for knowing all the computer stuff and getting up in the middle of the night to fix something for me when I am in the middle of a project. It is for being the kind of son that  is an example to our kids when I fall so short of my own example.

hand from heaven

And it is for loving me inspite of me, for being the hand that reaches down and pulls me up out of my hole. For making me go to church and have friends and keep going even when I am in one of my funks where I don’t even want to get dressed let alone go out. He is the one who shows up everytime and really gets me even when I don’t have a clue of who I am. He is the one who has forgiven me for things I might not have forgiven him for… And how romantic is that? To be loved so unconditionally? How lucky  blessed am I? I used to wonder if it was possible to fall in love twice in one lifetime with the same person. Today my question has been answered a thousand times over, maybe not in the way that I’d originally asked it but now  I know it is very possible.  I used to not know what a soul mate was, until I found mine. Having a soul mate, well… It is feeling connected at the soul and still feeling how we felt in the very beginning.

hug and kissing

42 thoughts on “What Is A Soul Mate?

  1. I like your understanding of a soul mate, as apparently a lot of others do. it’s nice to spend so much time wrapped up in yourself and one day discover that if you open your kimono that you’ve been so snugly wrapped up in for so long, and find that there’s room for two in there, and it’s much more pleasant than being alone in there. After 55+ years of marriage, I think I’m sort of aware of the meaning of “soul mate,” and I’m blessed to have one as well. Even at this age, when she walks into a room I feel like getting up and running toward her, and then my body stops me with the admonishment, “Hey dude, you’re 78, and you don’t run anymore!” So, I stop and very sensibly begin to hobble, albeit in a sexy manner, toward this lady that is still a vision in her late 70’s.

    I think you said it nicer, but I had to say it anyway.

    1. Thank you for making me find this again! I just saw your comment. Thanks for being such a loyal reader and even going back into my archives! (One of the greatest compliments anyone can give me.) And thanks for sharing your story! So sweet. ❤️️

    1. D,
      In trying to catch up, which I haven’t been that great at doing lately, I don’t know how this one slipped through! But thank you for reading and taking the time to comment! It always means so much to me. And I need affirmation today!

  2. You have such a way with words that melts my heart! Just beautiful Dianne! xo I have had similar experience with my hubby in recent times – learning to see the wonderful man he is and the safe, warm feeling I have to know he loves me and wants to stay, after all these years 🙂

    1. Merryn,
      We went to a special friend’s funeral/ celebration of life yesterday and one of the pastors talked about true love happening long after you’re married. The sticking it out part and then feeling the purest part of loving each other even after you know what you really got… After all the good new stuff has worn off and you still feel blessed. 💖

    1. Bruce,
      Thank you for taking the time to read! I am pretty blessed. It took a long time for me to GET it! 😉
      Thanks again for commenting and your time! It means a lot!

  3. I love your many interpretations of a soul mate …they are indeed all mine . My one word for soul mate is unconditional and that is what my soul mate is . Whatever HE DOES , and believe me over the many years together HE DOES , he expects nothing in return …just for love Diane . How we are blessed .

    1. I love hearing so many people have found what I have. Unconditional is the perfect word to sum it all up! Romance is nice and need to be a part of it, but finally seeing a person’s soul and how they see yours so unconditionally, is pretty darn romantic to me! 😉

  4. This line really popped in your post today: “A soul mate is someone whose soul doesn’t knock into yours but bumps lightly and sticks.” Yours is a keeper and so is mine, a rare thing in this world of temporary and disposable.

    1. Marian,
      That (KEEPER) is another great idea for a blog post! I cringe at my ignorance when there was a time when I didn’t think so. Glad you have one too!

  5. Lifes experiences are the true way we learn of the true meanings of life.
    Love your words and they are real inspirations for all.
    ” life has its way of throwing us curve balls, we just have to learn from these life lessons, to hit the curve balls out of the park of life, so we can be better and stronger”.

  6. I love this! After seeing so many people come together as ‘soul mates’ only to separate for spiritual differences a few years later, I stopped believing in the concept. By your definition, I can believe again. I especially liked “It is taking my car and putting gas in it and getting it washed and serviced.” I know it sounds odd, but when my husband does that for me it seems move me deeply.

    1. Laine,
      I know! There is something sexy about the soul of a man who takes care of his wife! Just this year, I stopped just looking at the outside of me and the outside of him and seeing the heart and it is this incredible awakening to just notice how great it is to have someone that feels like home, that’s comfortable and just simply cares about what happens to me, how I feel etc… and it is just so simple how just the act of appreciating each other makes you find a whole different side of love.
      Thank you for taking the time to read! I am glad it touched you enough to take the time to comment

      1. Yes you are blessed to “know” this about your relationship with your husband. Not everyone has “someone” in their daily live who care that they are alive and well.

        1. Ann
          I just saw this when going through comments I hadn’t responded to. I have been in a place where I felt I had no one. But I was wrong. I ALWAYS had the greatest soulmate, God. Unconditional, everlasting, patiently waiting as long as it took for me to see Him. Sometimes I wander off for a while from checking in but He always is there even more than an earthly soulmate 😉💖
          I am praying for you.

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